Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Choice We Made.

We have a small group of runners here in Ovilla, Texas that have decided to run the 2015 Dallas Marathon together.  We've been running 6-12 miles on Sundays nearly every week for about 9 months now.  Danny Stanley, who is the newest of our contingent, was actually the initiator of the idea!

Danny recently survived a minor heart attack, had a stint put in and fully recovered, and really understands what is important in life, and lives life to the fullest.  If Danny thinks it's a good idea to run a marathon, it probably is!  Danny has run the Dallas Marathon before and finished around 4:45.

Disan is our "natural".  Disan partys hard all weekend and then gets up early on Sunday and  runs 10+ miles with us most weeks.  He grew up in Chihuahua, probably close to the area where the "Born To Run" area describes.  He flies up hills while we all slow down.  He probably has the most potential out of the 4 of us.  He has run the Dallas Marathon before, but is unsatisfied with his finish time, around 4:45 as well.

Mike is a missionary that lived in Brasil for the last 18 years.  He has never run a marathon before.

I started leading the long distance section of the Run Ovilla Club when Heather took it over.  I ran the Cowtown Marathon in 2013 and finished at 4:45 as well!

Running a marathon changes you.  We as a group will not be the same men as we were when we signed up.  We have set a goal of 4:10.  We are following Competitor Magazine's training plan.  We will conquer this time!